Greece's estimated GDP growth in 2024
Ireland’s estimated GDP growth in 2024
Portugal’s estimated GDP growth in 2024
average interest rate on EFSF loans to Ireland (Q2 2024)
average interest rate on EFSF loans to Portugal (Q2 2024)
average interest rate on ESM loans to Greece (Q2 2024)
average interest rate on ESM loans to Spain (Q2 2024)
average interest rate on ESM loans to Cyprus (Q2 2024)
of Greek public debt is held by EFSF/ESM (as of 30/06/2020)
total amount of loans disbursed by ESM/EFSF
amount of bonds currently issued annually
ESM's remaining lending capacity (Forward Commitment Capacity)
total amount disbursed to Greece by EFSF and ESM
Cyprus's estimated GDP growth in 2024
Percentage of ESM’s €500 bn lending capacity still available
EFSF/ESM disbursed 2.5 times more in loans than IMF from 2011-2015
countries have successfully completed EFSF/ESM programmes: Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece
of Greek public debt is held by EFSF/ESM (as of 30/09/2021)
Accumulated savings for the 5 programme countries in 2019 as a result of EFSF/ESM financing
Maximum weighted average maturity of EFSF loans to Greece
Average interest rate charged by ESM on loans (31/12/2021)
Percentage of total external financial assistance for Greece provided by EFSF/ESM
Total amount disbursed to Greece under ESM programme
amount disbursed to Greece for bank recapitalisation in ESM programme
weighted average maturity of ESM loans to Greece
amount ESM disbursed to Cyprus for bank recapitalisation
Date when Cyprus starts to repay its ESM loans. All payments due by 2031
amount disbursed to Portugal by its largest creditor, the EFSF
weighted average maturity of EFSF loans to Portugal
Date when Portugal starts to repay its EFSF loan. All payments due until 2040
amount used by Portugal for bank recapitalisation (from total EFSF/EFSM/IMF loan amount of €78 bn)
Average interest rate on EFSF loans to Portugal (30/06/2022)
amount disbursed to Ireland by EFSF
weighted average maturity of EFSF loans to Ireland
Date when Ireland starts to repay EFSF loans. All payments due until 2042
Ireland’s estimated GDP growth in 2022
Percentage of total external assistance spent on bank recapitalisation
Average interest rate on EFSF loans to Ireland (31/12/2021)
amount ESM disbursed to Spain
number of Spanish banks recapitalised thanks to ESM funds
Weighted average maturity of ESM loans to Spain
Date when Spain starts to repay its ESM loans. All payments due by 2027
amount of ESM loans repaid early and voluntarily by Spain
Average interest rate on ESM loans to Spain (31/12/2021)
Spain’s estimated GDP growth in 2022
Weighted average maturity of ESM loans to Cyprus
amount disbursed to Cyprus in the context of ESM programme
Average interest rate on ESM loans to Greece (31/12/2021)
reduction in Greece’s debt stock thanks to private sector haircut in March 2012
the longest ESM bond maturity (issued in Dec. 2015)
the largest ESM bond ever issued (in Oct. 2013)