Newsroom495 Press releases Press conferences Speeches Interviews Articles and Op-eds Videos and photos ESM EFSF ESM and EFSF approve merger of HFSF with HCAP ESM EFSF ESM and EFSF waive Greece’s repayment obligation, enabling early repayment of GLF loans Joint IMF-RFAs press release on the 9th High-level RFAs Dialogue ESM ESM completes 2024 funding, raises €2 billion with bond sale ESM ESM raises €2 billion with 10-year bond sale EFSF EFSF raises €5 billion with dual-tranche bond sale, completes funding for 2024 ESM Märt Loite and Helmut Berger join ESM Board of Auditors ESM ESM Board of Governors approves 2023 Annual Report EFSF EFSF statement following Standard & Poor’s decision to downgrade its long-term rating EFSF EFSF raises €4 billion with dual-tranche bond sale, completes 75% of annual funding target Global fragmentation on the agenda of 8th Joint RFAs Research Seminar ESM and European Parliament sign Memorandum of Cooperation AIIB and ESM strengthen cooperation in addressing global challenges ESM ESM raises one-third of 2024 funding after 5-year bond sale ESM ESM appoints Pilar Castrillo as Head of Economic and Market Analysis ESM for US ESM introduces euro commercial paper programme EFSF EFSF raises €4 billion with new 10-year bond sale, completes over half of annual funding EFSF EFSF raises €7 billion with dual-tranche bond sale, completes 35% of annual funding ESM ESM appoints Maria Kartcheva as Head of ALM and Financial Structuring ESM Statement by ESM Managing Director Pierre Gramegna on the decision of the Italian Parliament not to ratify the revised ESM Treaty More content is coming your way Contacts Cédric Crelo Head of Communications and Chief Spokesperson +352 260 962 205 Anabela Reis Deputy Head of Communications and Deputy Chief Spokesperson +352 260 962 551 Juliana Dahl Principal Speechwriter and Principal Spokesperson +352 260 962 654 Subscribe to ESM news Subscribe to ESM Briefs Subscribe to ESM blog Subscribe to Investor Relations newsletter Social media Pierre Gramegna, European Stability Mechanism (ESM) at Jacques Delors InstituteThe European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is the permanent crisis resolution mechanism for the countries of the euro area. Like its predecessor -- the te...
ESM Statement by ESM Managing Director Pierre Gramegna on the decision of the Italian Parliament not to ratify the revised ESM Treaty