Newsroom297 Press releases Press conferences Speeches Interviews Articles and Op-eds Videos and photos Wo steht Europa? Steigende Staatsverschuldung und ihre Folgen - Rede von Pierre Gramegna Pierre Gramegna Where does Europe stand? Rising national debt and its consequences for Europe - speech by Pierre Gramegna Kalin Anev Janse Remarks by Kalin Anev Janse at OMFIF/LBBW Euro SSA Roundtable ESM Kalin Anev Janse Strengthening Europe together: Bulgaria’s path to euro accession - speech by Kalin Anev Janse Francis Dassyras Francis Dassyras at GlobalCapital/LBBW SSA Issuers Roundtable Pierre Gramegna Towards a Savings and Investments Union - remarks by Pierre Gramegna Rolf Strauch Climate change and financial stability - presentation by Rolf Strauch Giovanni Callegari "October 2024 Fiscal Monitor – a discussion" - Presentation by Giovanni Callegari Rolf Strauch Geopolitical shocks and geoeconomic fragmentation - presentation by Rolf Strauch Kalin Anev Janse Kalin Anev Janse at the 2024 Financial Street Forum Marialena Athanasopoulou Rolf Strauch The euro at 25 - past challenges, future opportunities Rolf Strauch Demographics and financial stability - presentation by Rolf Strauch Rolf Strauch Fiscal-monetary interactions: lessons from the recent experience - introductory remarks by Rolf Strauch Pierre Gramegna The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next? - keynote by Pierre Gramegna Giovanni Callegari Climate physical shocks risk management: Who picks up the bill? (presentation by Giovanni Callegari) Pierre Gramegna New modes of European macroeconomic governance - opening remarks by Pierre Gramegna Pierre Gramegna The new reality of geo-economic fragmentation - speech by Pierre Gramegna Kalin Anev Janse Europe's role in the world - DZ Bank video presentation by CFO Kalin Anev Janse ESM Rolf Strauch The euro at 25 - the value of unity (presentation by Rolf Strauch) Pilar Castrillo Gergely Hudecz Euro area: the outlook beyond resilience - presentation by Pilar Castrillo and Gergely Hudecz More content is coming your way Contacts Cédric Crelo Head of Communications and Chief Spokesperson +352 260 962 205 Anabela Reis Deputy Head of Communications and Deputy Chief Spokesperson +352 260 962 551 Juliana Dahl Principal Speechwriter and Principal Spokesperson +352 260 962 654 Subscribe to ESM news Subscribe to ESM Briefs Subscribe to ESM blog Subscribe to Investor Relations newsletter Social media Pierre Gramegna at Eurogroup press conference, January 2025The European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is the permanent crisis resolution mechanism for the countries of the euro area. Like its predecessor -- the te...
Pierre Gramegna Where does Europe stand? Rising national debt and its consequences for Europe - speech by Pierre Gramegna
ESM Kalin Anev Janse Strengthening Europe together: Bulgaria’s path to euro accession - speech by Kalin Anev Janse
Rolf Strauch Fiscal-monetary interactions: lessons from the recent experience - introductory remarks by Rolf Strauch
Pierre Gramegna The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next? - keynote by Pierre Gramegna
Giovanni Callegari Climate physical shocks risk management: Who picks up the bill? (presentation by Giovanni Callegari)
Pilar Castrillo Gergely Hudecz Euro area: the outlook beyond resilience - presentation by Pilar Castrillo and Gergely Hudecz