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The euro at 25 - past challenges, future opportunities

Youth talk Barcelona

ESM Deputy Head of Economic Risk Analysis Marialena Athanasopoulou and ESM Chief Economist Rolf Strauch gave a presentation "The euro@25 - past challenges, future opportunities" at Barcelona School of Economics.

They explored the significance of unity and the euro, particularly for Spain.

Key Benefits of Unity and the Euro:

✔️ Stable Prices: No currency exchange costs within the Single Market.

✔️ Economic Stability and Convergence: Enhanced trade, investment, and growth.

✔️ Integrated Financial Markets: Greater financial stability and improved financing conditions.

✔️ Political Unity: Coordinated economic policies and a common currency.

✔️ Global Influence: A stronger presence for the EU in the global economy.

With major challenges ahead, such as climate change, geoeconomic fragmentation, and an ageing population, it is crucial to be prepared for future crises.


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