Title: Global efforts to fight the consequences of climate change: the role of Regional Financing Arrangements
Authors: Graciela Schiliuk, Dominika Miernik, Jens Lapointe-Rohde (ESM); Habib Attia (AMF); Aziz Durrani, Marthe Memoracion Hinojales, Faith Qiying Pang (AMRO); Gennady Vasiliev, Artem Levenkov (EFSD); Chloé Bellec, Benedetta Guerzoni (European Commission); Carlos Giraldo, Iader Giraldo (FLAR).
This study provides an overview of steps taken by Regional Financing Arrangements (RFAs) to incorporate climate considerations into their activities, covering the areas of economic monitoring, lending, capacity building, and internal policies and operations. It aims to deepen the RFAs’ understanding of how their regional peers are approaching the emerging policy issue of climate change, and to stimulate collective reflections on how best to support members’ efforts to foster a more sustainable and resilient future.
The views expressed in this discussion paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the ESM or ESM policy. No responsibility or liability is accepted by the ESM in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information, including any data sets, presented in this paper.
Source: European Stability Mechanism | Discussion Paper Series | Volume 2023 no. 21 | March 2023 | 41 Pages
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