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EFSF appoints Wolfgang Proissl as Head of Communication

Press releases

Luxembourg – The EFSF has appointed Wolfgang Proissl as Head of Communication with effect from 1 October 2012 following the decision by Christof Roche, Chief Press Officer of EFSF, to return to Brussels for a new career move.

Klaus Regling, CEO of EFSF stated “As Christof was one of the very first staff members of the EFSF, I regret his departure. He has set up from scratch the communication strategy to promote the EFSF as a reliable rescue mechanism and an important market player.” Mr Roche will be joining the Communication Team of the European Investment Bank. He will be based in Brussels starting 1 October. Mr Regling added: “I am happy that Wolfgang decided to join the EFSF and the future ESM. His in-depth knowledge of euro area politics and economics will be highly useful. It is very important that the role of the EFSF and the future ESM is effectively communicated to the press, the investor community and the general public”.

Mr Proissl previously worked for the Financial Times Deutschland where he was Chief Correspondent in Frankfurt reporting on monetary policy, international finance and the financial crisis. Prior to this, Mr Proissl was bureau chief in Brussels and Foreign Editor in Berlin for the Financial Times Deutschland. He was also Paris economic correspondent for Die Zeit. Furthermore, Mr Proissl participated in the World Fellows Programme at Yale University.

About EFSF

The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) was incorporated in Luxembourg on 7 June 2010. Its objective is to preserve financial stability of Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union by providing financial assistance to euro area Member States in difficulty. In order to fulfil its mission, the EFSF is authorised to issue bonds or other debt instruments on the market to raise funds needed to provide loans to countries in financial difficulties, intervene in the debt primary and secondary markets, act on the basis of a precautionary programme and finance recapitalisations of financial institutions through loans to governments including in non-programme countries. All financial assistance to Member States is linked to appropriate conditionality. EFSF issues area backed by guarantees given by euro area Member States of up to €780 billion. EFSF has a lending capacity of €440 billion.

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+352 260 962 205

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+352 260 962 551

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+352 260 962 654