Safety measures concerning the Coronavirus COVID-19. Read more about the measures.

Stipe Župan

Stipe Župan

State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance

Mr Stipe Župan is the State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance. He is a former Assistant Minister in the Directorate for Macroeconomics Analyses, EU and International Financial Relations. Mr Župan is a member of the EU's Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) and the Statistic Council of the Republic of Croatia. He is also a Head of Supervisory Board of the Croatian Deposit Insurance Agency; an Alternate Governor at the World Bank Group, EBRD and IDB as well as a Representative of the Republic of Croatia at the Council of Europe Development Bank. Mr Župan started his career at the Ministry of Finance within the Bureau for Macroeconomic and Fiscal Analyses and Projections in December 2008.

Mr Župan holds a degree in Economic Analysis and Development from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb.


Alternate Director: Filip Malinar

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