Safety measures concerning the Coronavirus COVID-19. Read more about the measures.


Safety measures in relation to the Coronavirus COVID-19

External visits to ESM office and staff presence (Updated 25/11/2020)

The European Stability Mechanism has put in place a wide range of precautionary measures, aligned with the directives of the Luxembourg authorities. Protecting the health of our staff and the wider ESM community remains our top priority.

Currently, staff presence in the office is limited and external visits to the ESM can take place only for important business reasons and subject to prior appointment. Visitors must adhere to ESM’s safety rules and wear a face mask when entering the building and while at the ESM premises. The ESM may apply restrictions for visitors who have recently been to countries considered high risk.

In parallel, virtual meetings will continue to be used as an effective and safe way of performing our work.

“The ability to hold external meetings for important business reasons while respecting strict precautionary measures and limiting staff presence, reflects our twin priorities: the safety and well-being of ESM staff and our counterparts, as well as fulfilling our public mandate,” ESM Managing Director Klaus Regling said.

The ESM continues to monitor the developments around Covid-19 and will provide further updates at the appropriate time via the normal channels including its website and Twitter feed.