PRI reporting is the largest global reporting project on responsible investment. It was developed with investors, for investors. PRI signatories are required to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year. In turn, they receive a number of outputs, including a public and private Transparency Report.
The public Transparency Reports, which are produced using signatories’ reported information, provide accountability and support signatories to have internal discussions about their practices and to discuss these with their clients, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders.
This public Transparency Report is an export of the signatory’s responses to the PRI Reporting Framework during the 2024 reporting period. It includes the signatory’s responses to core indicators, as well as responses to plus indicators that the signatory has agreed to make public.
In response to signatory feedback, the PRI has not summarised signatories’ responses – the information in this document is presented exactly as it was reported.
For each of the indicators in this document, all options selected by the signatory are presented, including links and qualitative responses. In some indicators, all applicable options are included for additional context.